Friday, 22 April 2016

Dream Job in Digital Marketing

Changing the Perspective of “Jobs” & “Hiring”

Understanding why traditional methods of hiring doesn’t work for dream jobs
If you want to get your dream digital marketing job and not just any job you
need to completely change your perspective of jobs and employment. So let
me take you on a ride to the past. We need some perspective! 1,000 years
ago there were no jobs and no big companies hiring hundreds of employees.
Everyone who did some work was an entrepreneur or a self employed
professional. Think about hunters, fishermen and woodcutters. There were
no companies and there was no HR department.
Even 100 years back, my great-grandfather did not call himself an
employee or a business man.
He had a bunch of cows and extended family who tended the cows. He sold
the milk to a lot of nearby households and he made money.
If no one wanted to buy milk from him he wouldn’t be in the business of
selling milk. He may have sold something else, say iPhone apps (No! Not
really, but you get what I am saying right?)
So it really doesn’t matter if it is a job or a business activity - in the end
customers pay you money for a product or service and it is as simple as
that. Thinking in this perspective is very important if you are going to try
my method of getting dream jobs.
Back to the present moment - when you think about a “job” you think about
fixed monthly salary, a boss, a team, an office and work.
But jobs are created only because businesses exist, right?
Businesses exist because they have customers who buy their products and
services. Many people forget about that. They think only about their
If the customers stop buying - your company will go under and everyone
will be fired including your boss, and his boss, and the CEO, and the
An Employee - “Exclusive Services for a Monthly Fee”
Only in the past 100 years due to technology and globalisation we are
seeing companies grow very big and hire thousands of employees. Such
mass hiring and jobs have never happened for millions of years in human
Because in our lifetime we have not seen the older lifestyle of people being
entrepreneurs and professionals, we have lost touch with what it means to
sell your products and services .
So even if you want to get hired as an employee in an organization, you are
still providing your services to that company .
“You are the product and your employer is the customer.”
He pays a monthly subscription fee for your services. You call it as salary
but it doesn’t matter what we call it. It is a business transaction and that’s
it! He pays office rent, he pays a monthly fee for a software and he pays a
monthly fee to you for what you give in return.
Once you are in this mindset, you wouldn’t create a resume and upload it to
job portals and wait for calls from the HR department. You will understand
that it doesn’t make any sense.

Why HR Departments Exist

Many startup companies do not have a HR department. A HR department
is formed only when the company becomes large and many things cannot
be managed by the founding team itself.
Usually the HR department handles things like employee satisfaction,
health, office space, payroll and other formalities.
When the HR department is trying to hire people, it is usually a disaster.
The usual hiring process is broken to such a staggering extent but no one
actually realizes it. It usually sucks to talk with someone in the HR because
they are very narrow minded when they are talking to you. They are
working with a “job description” to match your skill sets.
If it matches they pass it on to their bosses and if they don’t match they will
reject you by saying that they will get back to you.

When do HR department hire?

The management team decides to get the HR’s help in hiring only when
they are hiring for roles which are low-end and replaceable.
Imagine a hiring a delivery boy for Dominos pizza. The management team
or the founder of Dominos will not hire a delivery boy personally.
But if Dominos wants to get a digital marketing manager who will create
their digital marketing campaigns from scratch, do you think they will let
the HR decide whom to hire?
They are going to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in digital marketing
campaigns and they don’t want the HR department to make a hiring
So most of the jobs that you get when the HR department is hiring is low
end jobs. In IT companies it could be support level people or low end
programming. In BPOs it’s just calling agents. In banks it is clerical
These are jobs and they pay some salary. But they are not dream jobs for

HR hires 1-2% of applicants for such job positions.
Here you are competing with 100 or 1,000 different profiles that are
competing with the same job position and they have similar numbers and
words as you have in your resume!
Now you can see where the real problem in getting your dream job exists!
There is too much competition at the bottom.
You have to move to the top, there is lower competition there. Time to raise
the bar.
So Kill The Resume and Break up with the HR
Now that we have killed the resume, it is also time that we break up with
HR. If a HR person calls me, I treat it like a sales agent calling me to sell
ICICI credit card! I do not entertain them and hang up as soon as possible.

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