Saturday, 30 April 2016

digital learning

Thursday, 28 April 2016

digital learning

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

The traditional marketing model consists of a business working with a third party, such as an advertising agency or public relations company, to deliver the marketing content to their customers. Web 2.0 has provided a set of social media tools that allow businesses and organizations build social and business connections, share information and collaborate online with their customers. Social media marketing has now become an integral part of companies marketing strategies.

 Social media marketing concentrates on creating content that encourages customers to share it with others within their social network. This way a corporate message can go viral as it spreads from user to user online because it is coming from a trusted source, not just the company itself. Some reasons why social media marketing has become so important for businesses include:
• Social media applications such as Facebook or Twitter are easily accessible to anyone with Internet access.
• Social media marketing is relatively inexpensive for companies to implement marketing campaigns.
• Social media marketing can go worldwide – e.g. Half of Twitter users are outside the USA.
• Companies can obtain direct feedback from targeted customers and markets.

• Social Media Optimization
• Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the method of maximizing unique visitors to Website content through the use of social media activity. SMO is somewhat like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but differs in that the aim is to drive unique visitors to Website content from sources other than search engines such as Google or Bing etc. The two main SMO methodologies are:
• Add social media features to the content itself (e.g. RSS feeds, Share buttons, User ratings, Photos, Video).
• Promote additional social media activities in addition to the content itself (e.g. Blogging, Discussion groups, Updates in social network sites).

• Rohit Bhargava was the first to use the term 'social media optimization' and he has described five rules for carrying out SEO:
• Create shareable content
• Make sharing easy
• Reward engagement
• Proactively share content
• Encourage the mashup

 Benefits of social media marketing for businesses

• Social media marketing has several benefits for businesses, and in particular, small businesses that have a limited budget for marketing campaigns. The main benefits of social media marketing include:
• Social media marketing allows small businesses compete at the same level as large businesses.
• Social media marketing allows a business communicate directly with the target market in an informal setting.
• Social media marketing allows a business build a relationship of trust and credibility with the target audience.
• Having built a relationship with customers social media marketing allows a business conduct detailed market research.
• Social media marketing gives a business the potential to reach customers worldwide

Social media tools that businesses can use

 Small businesses should try to use a variety of social media tools. It is important to decide which social media tools are exactly right for your business, and then use them appropriately and at just the right time.
• The most popular platforms include:
• Audio Sharing
Uploading audio files to a dedicated platform to share with larger audience and allow feedback.
Podomatic, ITunes
Allows you to share your own audio content and discuss it with others; share, rate and discuss their podcasts.
• Microblogging
Writing short messages (e.g. Twitter: 140 characters).
Examples: Twitter, Punk,
Allows real-time communication; Enhances networking with any person, Is non-intrusive, allows sharing various content.
• Blogging
Writing an on-line journal with posts published in reverse chronological order.
WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Posterous
Allows longer posts and all types of content (text, audio, video).
• Photo Sharing
Uploading photo files to a dedicated platform to share them with larger audience and allow feedback.
Flickr, Fotki, Picassa, Photobucket
Allows you to share photo documentation, create galleries, receive feedback and comment, rate and share photos of other users.
• Video Sharing
Uploading video files to a dedicates platform to share with larger audience and allow feedback.
Examples: YouTube,
Vimeo, Hulu
Allows you to share video content, collect feedback, document events, share, rate and discuss content of other.
• Social Networking
Building and maintaining relationships based on common interests, relationships, and experiences.
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn
Allows you to connect through your networks, develop new relationships and share content to relevant audiences.


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Dream jobs in Digital Marketing

Why Digital Marketing Jobs?

Digital marketing jobs are very lucrative because of the extreme shortage of
skilled professionals in the market today. The demand is sky high.
Every company out there is building their digital marketing team at a rapid
pace because traditional marketing is failing big time.
Who watches ads on TV, Newspaper and Magazines anymore?
 but I have seen that the average salary for a digital marketing
professional is much more than other types of jobs.
The entry level jobs in good companies for graduated students with a little
bit of project experience will pay at least 4 Lakhs per annum.
I will not put the stats here because they keep changing with time. But if
you do a little bit of research, you will be able to find out that digital
marketing jobs are much more interesting, satisfying and well paying than
other types of jobs.

Trying to Get a Job? First, Avoid This Mistakes!

“Don’t do the same things and expect different results.
Change what you do, your results will automatically change.”

If you are trying to get a job in the digital marketing field, first you should
stop doing the mistakes that you may be already doing now.
The market has changed. The old methods of trying to get a job no longer
works anymore. So you need to learn and do different things .
Most of the people do not take any serious action when they find out that
they are not able to get a job that they want. They will keep repeating the
mistakes they did in the past - and if they do the same mistakes, they will
get the same end result: no good job offers .
But you made a difference. You found out this guide somehow, have
downloaded it and you are reading it right now. This puts you ahead of so
many people who only wish to get the dream job but they do not take any
action about it! So far so good!
But you also have to promise me that you will follow all the steps outlined
in this book. If you can promise me that, I can bet that you will end up
getting your dream digital marketing job within the next 6 months to 1 year.
The biggest mindset change that you would need is: You have to start
thinking like a businessman and stop thinking like a person who needs a
Anyone can learn digital marketing from the various training programs
available in the market but only a few people end up getting their dream
jobs. The goal of the book is to change your mindset.
So what are the mistakes other people usually make when they want a job?
Here’s what people do:
● Create a resume
● Upload resumes to job portals
● Speak with career consultants and contractors who will forward your
resumes to potential employers
● Enhance your resume by doing certifications or training programs
● Send resumes to all the personal contacts who may refer them to a
potential employer
You can see that here, everything is revolving around resumes.
In most of the cases, none of the above methods will actually help you get a
In rare cases, it may help, but the chances are very less and even if you end
up getting a job it wouldn’t be your dream job.
You may have seen other people do this and you know that they don’t end
up getting their dream job. You may have done this yourself, and you may
have realised: this does not help you.
But why do people keep doing what doesn’t work? Why do they do the
things above in spite of knowing that there is a very less chance for it to
Because they don’t know a better way to do this . They just end up doing
more of what they already did.
So let us make sure that you do not do these mistakes. Go ahead and delete
your resumes from the job sites .
They only waste your time. They send you junk emails and irrelevant job
offers (and sometimes insulting ones too!).
Drastic times call for drastic measures!
Creating resumes and job portals has not worked for me, it will not work for
you and it will not work for anyone.
Because resumes are poor marketing tools.
Imagine if you are launching a new brand of smartphone that is the best in
the market, but to market it you go and put it on Olx and Quickr. Imagine
how bad that would be! Your resumes in job sites are like that: a poor ad
for your personal brand!
Now that we have unlearned what we already know - we can cleaned the
Next, let us learn how we can go about getting our dream digital marketing

Tuesday, 26 April 2016


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How to Approach and Execute an SEO Project for a Client

Working on an SEO project for a client is completely different from optimizing your own website for the search engines. While building a website, you may have all the right elements in place and the website may never need major restructuring. But when you try to optimize an existing website for the search engines, you run into a whole lot of technical and non-technical challenges. If you are a part of an SEO agency an individual SEO consultant, you will find the following tips useful.

1. Establish Your Authority

SEO is a fast changing field. A lot of people have misconceptions and misinformation about SEO. How you think about SEO is completely different from how your client thinks about SEO. If you think you can “teach” your client about SEO, it may backfire because it hurts their ego. Though you have been hired only because they think you are good, it still helps to establish your authority in this field. Demonstrate how you have helped previous clients achieve their organic traffic goals. Show your achievements and results before you get started. A good personal connection with the key decision makers on the client’s side helps a lot in getting results.

2. SEO is Team Work Between You and the Client

Unlike a lot of projects, SEO is something that cannot be completely outsourced. Though on some cases off-page SEO can be completely outsourced, On-Page SEO has to be done in-house on some level and needs a team work. For example, if the webmaster of the client’s company and you don’t get along very well, it will be very difficult to achieve the goals. Also, On-Page and Off-Page SEO has to complement with each other and has to get integrated with other digital marketing elements.

3. Set Traffic Goals

You should never promise traffic or rankings to your client. Because the delivery is not completely in your hands. A lot depends on the latest updates in algorithms and other factors. But still, setting traffic goals helps as a guiding compass and forces you to think outside the box. These goals should be set after signing the contract.
For example, if there is no improvement in the traffic after optimizing for 2 months, you can think of a viral marketing campaign idea which can naturally attract inbound links to your client’s website. Such marketing activities are not in the responsibility matrix of an SEO agency or a consultant but if you can step outside of your boundaries and help the client on some level beyond your job description, it helps you gain more market share and reputation.

4. Automate Manual Processes Using Tools

Tracking the rankings is one of the most important reporting activity during an SEO project. Without having an eye on such data, you will have no idea if what you do works or not. Sometimes the rankings will improve but the traffic will not improve. That has to be shown to the client that your activities has helped in improving the rankings.
One of the best rank trackers I have come across is the tool (now Analytics). The licence to the account can be provided by the client or from your side. The rankings are tracked weekly, which is an ideal frequency and reports are automatically generated. If there are any improvements in the rankings, it is shown clearly and such reports can be sent to the client.
Also looking for errors in the on-page SEO factors can be very tiring and tools like SEOMoz help in identifying such errors. They are generated as reports and it can be sent to the client directly with a note about what it means. Be careful not to send a dump of reports, the client may not understand anything from it!

5. Off Page Optimization can be done only with Content

While signing the contract or agreement, make sure that the client agrees to provide content – either for their own blog or for distribution. Without content, off-page optimization for a website CANNOT be done. Methods like directory submissions, classified sites posting, social bookmarking will not help with off page optimization and can something hurt!

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Dream jobs in Digital Marketing

Market Yourself to Sell Yourself

You are an employee (a product) that your employer (the customers) buys.

I this chapter let us learn how you can market yourself so that you can sell
yourself to the target buyer.
I am going to make an assumption that you already know some digital
marketing, at least better than your competition.
If you don’t know digital marketing then before getting your dream job, you
should first become a digital marketing expert. You should learn digital
marketing from various sources available and apply some of it to your own
projects before you can go ahead and try to get your dream job.
You need not be the most brilliant digital marketer on planet earth - you
just need to be better than your competition.
Employers hire people for their ability to bring results . Not just for their
knowledge. Anyone can get knowledge from Google and Wikipedia within 5
If you say that you are a digital marketing expert, you will get hired because
you can bring good results to the company that you work for.
If you say that you are an SEO expert, you will get hired because you can
improve the search engine rankings of the company that you work for. Not
because you have read 10 books on SEO.
Companies will hire you if you can show them a proof that you can bring
results. And the only way to show them is through your previous projects.

Going Beyond Digital Marketing Jobs

The huge opportunity for digital marketing experts beyond jobs
After you get your dream digital marketing job you will start earning and
learning a lot. But the world doesn’t end there.
During weekends and during your free time you can do your own projects
and make money. Now that you are earning money from your job, you will
also be able to invest some money into your projects and grow it faster.
If your side projects start making enough money for you to quit, you can!
There is also a huge opportunity for digital marketing consultants. You can
apply the same principles that we talked about above and get clients for
consulting. A blog and a book will help you a lot in getting clients.
If you brand yourself as an expert in digital marketing you will also be able
to speak at conferences and conduct workshops.
Someone with good recommendations and experience can earn around
Rs.60,000 ($1000) a day for speaking.
The opportunities are unlimited. But the world will recognize you as an
expert only when you market yourself.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Dream Job in Digital Marketing

Changing the Perspective of “Jobs” & “Hiring”

Understanding why traditional methods of hiring doesn’t work for dream jobs
If you want to get your dream digital marketing job and not just any job you
need to completely change your perspective of jobs and employment. So let
me take you on a ride to the past. We need some perspective! 1,000 years
ago there were no jobs and no big companies hiring hundreds of employees.
Everyone who did some work was an entrepreneur or a self employed
professional. Think about hunters, fishermen and woodcutters. There were
no companies and there was no HR department.
Even 100 years back, my great-grandfather did not call himself an
employee or a business man.
He had a bunch of cows and extended family who tended the cows. He sold
the milk to a lot of nearby households and he made money.
If no one wanted to buy milk from him he wouldn’t be in the business of
selling milk. He may have sold something else, say iPhone apps (No! Not
really, but you get what I am saying right?)
So it really doesn’t matter if it is a job or a business activity - in the end
customers pay you money for a product or service and it is as simple as
that. Thinking in this perspective is very important if you are going to try
my method of getting dream jobs.
Back to the present moment - when you think about a “job” you think about
fixed monthly salary, a boss, a team, an office and work.
But jobs are created only because businesses exist, right?
Businesses exist because they have customers who buy their products and
services. Many people forget about that. They think only about their
If the customers stop buying - your company will go under and everyone
will be fired including your boss, and his boss, and the CEO, and the
An Employee - “Exclusive Services for a Monthly Fee”
Only in the past 100 years due to technology and globalisation we are
seeing companies grow very big and hire thousands of employees. Such
mass hiring and jobs have never happened for millions of years in human
Because in our lifetime we have not seen the older lifestyle of people being
entrepreneurs and professionals, we have lost touch with what it means to
sell your products and services .
So even if you want to get hired as an employee in an organization, you are
still providing your services to that company .
“You are the product and your employer is the customer.”
He pays a monthly subscription fee for your services. You call it as salary
but it doesn’t matter what we call it. It is a business transaction and that’s
it! He pays office rent, he pays a monthly fee for a software and he pays a
monthly fee to you for what you give in return.
Once you are in this mindset, you wouldn’t create a resume and upload it to
job portals and wait for calls from the HR department. You will understand
that it doesn’t make any sense.

Why HR Departments Exist

Many startup companies do not have a HR department. A HR department
is formed only when the company becomes large and many things cannot
be managed by the founding team itself.
Usually the HR department handles things like employee satisfaction,
health, office space, payroll and other formalities.
When the HR department is trying to hire people, it is usually a disaster.
The usual hiring process is broken to such a staggering extent but no one
actually realizes it. It usually sucks to talk with someone in the HR because
they are very narrow minded when they are talking to you. They are
working with a “job description” to match your skill sets.
If it matches they pass it on to their bosses and if they don’t match they will
reject you by saying that they will get back to you.

When do HR department hire?

The management team decides to get the HR’s help in hiring only when
they are hiring for roles which are low-end and replaceable.
Imagine a hiring a delivery boy for Dominos pizza. The management team
or the founder of Dominos will not hire a delivery boy personally.
But if Dominos wants to get a digital marketing manager who will create
their digital marketing campaigns from scratch, do you think they will let
the HR decide whom to hire?
They are going to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in digital marketing
campaigns and they don’t want the HR department to make a hiring
So most of the jobs that you get when the HR department is hiring is low
end jobs. In IT companies it could be support level people or low end
programming. In BPOs it’s just calling agents. In banks it is clerical
These are jobs and they pay some salary. But they are not dream jobs for

HR hires 1-2% of applicants for such job positions.
Here you are competing with 100 or 1,000 different profiles that are
competing with the same job position and they have similar numbers and
words as you have in your resume!
Now you can see where the real problem in getting your dream job exists!
There is too much competition at the bottom.
You have to move to the top, there is lower competition there. Time to raise
the bar.
So Kill The Resume and Break up with the HR
Now that we have killed the resume, it is also time that we break up with
HR. If a HR person calls me, I treat it like a sales agent calling me to sell
ICICI credit card! I do not entertain them and hang up as soon as possible.

Dream Jobs in Digital Marketing

Why Digital Marketing Jobs?

Digital marketing jobs are very lucrative because of the extreme shortage of
skilled professionals in the market today. The demand is sky high.
Every company out there is building their digital marketing team at a rapid
pace because traditional marketing is failing big time.
Who watches ads on TV, Newspaper and Magazines anymore?
 but I have seen that the average salary for a digital marketing
professional is much more than other types of jobs.
The entry level jobs in good companies for graduated students with a little
bit of project experience will pay at least 4 Lakhs per annum.
I will not put the stats here because they keep changing with time. But if
you do a little bit of research, you will be able to find out that digital
marketing jobs are much more interesting, satisfying and well paying than
other types of jobs.

Trying to Get a Job? First, Avoid This Mistakes!

“Don’t do the same things and expect different results.
Change what you do, your results will automatically change.”

If you are trying to get a job in the digital marketing field, first you should
stop doing the mistakes that you may be already doing now.
The market has changed. The old methods of trying to get a job no longer
works anymore. So you need to learn and do different things .
Most of the people do not take any serious action when they find out that
they are not able to get a job that they want. They will keep repeating the
mistakes they did in the past - and if they do the same mistakes, they will
get the same end result: no good job offers .
But you made a difference. You found out this guide somehow, have
downloaded it and you are reading it right now. This puts you ahead of so
many people who only wish to get the dream job but they do not take any
action about it! So far so good!
But you also have to promise me that you will follow all the steps outlined
in this book. If you can promise me that, I can bet that you will end up
getting your dream digital marketing job within the next 6 months to 1 year.
The biggest mindset change that you would need is: You have to start
thinking like a businessman and stop thinking like a person who needs a
Anyone can learn digital marketing from the various training programs
available in the market but only a few people end up getting their dream
jobs. The goal of the book is to change your mindset.
So what are the mistakes other people usually make when they want a job?
Here’s what people do:
● Create a resume
● Upload resumes to job portals
● Speak with career consultants and contractors who will forward your
resumes to potential employers
● Enhance your resume by doing certifications or training programs
● Send resumes to all the personal contacts who may refer them to a
potential employer
You can see that here, everything is revolving around resumes.
In most of the cases, none of the above methods will actually help you get a
In rare cases, it may help, but the chances are very less and even if you end
up getting a job it wouldn’t be your dream job.
You may have seen other people do this and you know that they don’t end
up getting their dream job. You may have done this yourself, and you may
have realised: this does not help you.
But why do people keep doing what doesn’t work? Why do they do the
things above in spite of knowing that there is a very less chance for it to
Because they don’t know a better way to do this . They just end up doing
more of what they already did.
So let us make sure that you do not do these mistakes. Go ahead and delete
your resumes from the job sites .
They only waste your time. They send you junk emails and irrelevant job
offers (and sometimes insulting ones too!).
Drastic times call for drastic measures!
Creating resumes and job portals has not worked for me, it will not work for
you and it will not work for anyone.
Because resumes are poor marketing tools.
Imagine if you are launching a new brand of smartphone that is the best in
the market, but to market it you go and put it on Olx and Quickr. Imagine
how bad that would be! Your resumes in job sites are like that: a poor ad
for your personal brand!
Now that we have unlearned what we already know - we can cleaned the
Next, let us learn how we can go about getting our dream digital marketing

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

digital learning

How to create your first website to practice Digital Marketing?

Hello World!

                     Today we are talking about how to create your website to practice Digital Marketing.                               

What kind of website do I Recommend?

: Self hosted word press blog on a custom domain.

: Free blogs are not recommended(you are not building on your property)

: Websites builder and html templates also do not give you flexibility

: Blogging is better than building static can make revenue with blogging

How to choose a Domain name?

: Make the name a brandable name

: Keyword domain are also ok if you can build a brand arround it(eg

: .com name is preferred.less than 10 characters

: Country Specific names are ok if you are sure you will not expand internationally in the             future.

Where to Register Domain name?

: For cheap,

: For high,

: Needs to have very good customer support 

: You can register domain name and hosting separately.

Where to host your word press blog?

: I recommend for starter websites(choose baby plan)

: No one gives unlimited storage or brandwidth in real world

: For 500+ visitor a day and higher page load speed:managed word press hosting is                        recommended

: For 10,000+ visitors a day vps or dedicated servers are good options.

Linking your domain & hosting 

: A domain name is like a name in the address book

: IP address of the server is like the phone number of the person(which changes once in a while)

: Domain can be connected with CNAME records,A records or using name server(it's complex

   but you don't need to care)

: Next Action Steps


Tuesday, 19 April 2016

digital learning

What is the best way to learn digital marketing?

Hello World!
                       Today we are talking about the best way to learn Digital Marketing

Option to learn Digital Marketing

: Read books about Digital Marketing

: Attend a Digital Marketing course with           classroom or online training 

: Work in a company as Digital Marketing          junior or internship(scope is less)  

: Practice Digital Marketing yourself through   your own websites.

Digital Marketing vs Other topics

: For most of the topics : Learn a lot of theory, then practice

: Example:- Study of human body,Construction,Manufacturing etc

: Digital Marketing: Learn,Practice,Learn,Practice,Keep learning 

: Digital Marketing changes very-very fast.

The advantage with Digital Marketing

: You can start learning with a computer and      internet connection

:Think about medical,Construction or  manufacturing you have to depend on  

: Almost all tools and techniques work on           free trails and small budgets

: You can become a Digital Marketing expert
   with less than inr 5000 (or $100).

 Start with a domain name & website

: Register a domain name for arround inr 100   or $2

: Buy a small web hosting package(web presence)

: Install a word press blog in it, optimize for Seo

: Open Social media pages for your brand(social 

  media marketing)

: Drive some paid traffic to it, $10 per platform is 

  enough to get started (paid advertising)

: Start building an email list(email marketing).

Next Steps

: Choose any topic that you are passionate about: bikes,cars,fashion,technology etc

: Sear ch for an available domain  name and register one-this is your brand name

: Come up with 5 Article and start writing.

Your Project help in getting hired

: Your project becomes a part of your resume

: Your websites is more valuable than a                certificate Digital Marketing

: People hire you for result, not for your             Knowledge

: Your project is a proof that you can bring        result-traffic and conversion.

Monday, 18 April 2016

The various modules in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Modules-An Overview

: Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

: Search  Engine Marketing(SEM)

: Social Media Marketing(SMM)

: Email Marketing

: Inbound Marketing

: Web Analytics & Reporting

: Mobile Marketing.

Integrated Digital Marketing

: All Components of Digital Marketing Components each other.

: For example,More Search Marketing can help you get more traffic,which result in mode social           media followers and email subscriber.

:There are modules to learn an industry evolves.

More Modules in Digital Marketing

: Conversion rate optimization

: Web usability and experience

: Behavioural Communication

: lead Scoring and sales Prediction

Inside sales.

Learn with End Goal in Mind

: Drive more traffic to websites(free or paid)

: Convert traffic into leads

: Converts leads in customer

: Convert customer into repeat Customer

: Convert repeat custom into fan & brand.

Where to get Started ?

: There are so many things to learn

: Other people learn a lot and forget

: We will learn by doing, and remember everything

:  Start a websites of your own, drive traffic to it,          make sales

: People want results, not Knowledge.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

The Opportunity in Digital Marketing

Hello World!
                     Today we are talking about The Opportunity in Digital Marketing.

Why you should learn Digital Marketing?

: Helps in Personal Branding & Marketing

: Helps in Scaling up your own Startup Business,part     time or Consultancy.

: Helps you get jobs in Digital Marketing field.

: Helps your perform better in your current job.

The Demand for Digital Marketing job

 : Thousand of companies are looking for expert       in Digital Marketing.

 : There are not enough Digital Marketing              expert in the market.  

: Many people have Certification but people hire   expert for Result, not for Knowledge.

:Digital Marketing jobs is one of the highest  paying jobs in the industry today.

Why Digital Marketing is important?

: People use internet and mobile devices more       than ever.

: Television,Newspaper,Radio and Magazines are   on the decline,Traditional Marketing is almost     dead.

: Marketing and sales technology has improved     exponentially.

: Digital Marketing is the only way to be      competitive in the industry.No one can ignore  Marketing.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Digital Learning: Introduction of Digital Marketing

Digital Learning: Introduction of Digital Marketing: Hello World!                     Today we are talking about Digital Marketing( Internet Marketing ). what is Digital Marketing?  : ...

Introduction of Digital Marketing

Hello World!

                    Today we are talking about Digital Marketing(Internet Marketing).

what is Digital Marketing? 

:when you do marketing online using digital device computers,tablets & mobile phones it is known    as Digital Marketing.
:It is finding your right target market on internet reaching them,proposing value by communicating and generating business on internet.

Benefits of Digital Marketing
:Wide reach,No geographical boundaries
: Increase brand awareness
: Cost effective
:Niche targeting
:performance oriented
:Generate potential leads & sales
:Track and monitor every penny you spend
:Add extra outlet for sales